Mirror your Laptop

Streaming video content from your laptop

You can watch any video from any browser or application by streaming/mirroring from your Mac or Windows laptop. This includes playing video files from your browser, YouTube, Windows Media Player, iTunes, VLC, and any media content or player can stream to your HDTV.

If you want to watch TV shows or movies that are not available on typical online streaming services like Netflix or Hulu but they are available online in another form, you can play them on your TV with a Nyrius Transmitter and Receiver system. For example, some websites will stream video content embedded directly on their webpage but will not play through typical media players or SmartTV apps. The best way to enjoy those videos on the big screen is through wireless HDMI streaming.

Recommended Products:

ARIES PRIME AND ARIES PRO – Due to the compact and lightweight nature of the transmitter this product is perfect for streaming content from your laptop to a HDTV or projector.

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